Shri Dinesh Ganapati Kabre, aged 76 years, is the founder Promoter and further designated as the Chairman cum Managing Director of the Company. He holds Bachelors of Science degree. He has been on the Board of Reliance since 2003. During his career spanning over 43 years, he has an experience in the manufacturing line of oil business and also pursues an experience in the line of Crushing the Seeds.
Shri Dinesh Kabre has handled a wide range of responsibilities including leadership positions in refineries, corporate and upstream business of SVRL. He is one of the efficient decision-making authorities of the company and essentially the main promoters. He has been involved in Refinery Operations, Research & Development, Formulation of Strategies, Business Development, Customer Relationship Management and Major Projects Implementation, etc.
Shri Anil Ganapati Kabre, aged 73 years, is the founder Promoter and further designated as the Vice Chairman and Whole Time Director of the Company. He is a Gold Medalist M.Sc. Shri Kabre has an experience of more than 38 years in the line of Refining Oil and Manufacturing line of business. He is backbone and decision maker of the two most crucial departments of our company viz. Operation and Domestic Marketing. He has been closely involved in Strategy Formulation, Refinery Operations, Major Projects Implementation, etc. He has been instrumental in taking major policy decision of the Company.
Shri Shantanu Ramesh Kabre, aged- 60 years, is the founder Promoter and further designated as the Chief Financial Officer and Whole Time Director of the Company. He holds Master of Commerce degree. He joined Shri Venkatesh Refineries Private Limited in 2018 and is the son of Late. Ramesh Kabre, one of the Founder Promoter of the company.
His overall responsibility spans the Edible Oil Refining and Marketing Business, Oil Manufacturing and several corporate functions of the company including Human Resources Management, Information Technology, Research & Technology and Projects Execution.
Shri Prasad Dinesh Kabre, aged-34 years, is the Promoter and further designated as the Chief Financial Officer and Whole Time Director of the Company. He pursued Master of Business Administration degree. He overlooks the working department heads of Finance and marketing. He ensures timely approvals and formation of financial strategies and budgets along with its review. Shri Kabre has an experience of more than 5 years in the line of oil, refining and ginning and pressing business. Presently, He is engaged in day-to-day activity of banking, government department related issues. He has been closely involved in Strategy Formulation, Refinery Operations, financial strategies and Stakeholder Relationship.
Anisha Sheshnath Pandey, daughter of Sheshnath Pandey, is Company Secretary by profession and designated as Independent Director. She is based from Mumbai. Presently she has been positioned as the Company Secretary of Bharat Infrastructure & Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
With 5+ years of experience, working with prestigious brands such as Flamingo Pharmaceuticals Limited, Anisha demonstrated track record and proven expertise in driving efficiency and productivity through evaluation of financial management systems, corporate governance and implementation of process improvements across various segments and industries.
Sushmita Swarup Lunkad, daughter of Swarup Lunkad, is associate Member of Company Secretary Since 2016. She possesses good experience in services to corporates and non-corporates clients relating to corporate compliance and Corporate Governance. She also holds experience in Secretarial audit, Charge Audit and Reconciliation Share Capital Audit. She has enriched the work experience of Listing norms and its compliances. She looks after Corporate Compliances. With 3 years of experience, working with prestigious Clients, she has vast experience in Listing Compliances and other corporate laws.
Mr. Yogesh Nandi has 5+ years of experience, working with prestigious brands and Yogesh demonstrated track record and proven expertise in driving efficiency and productivity through evaluation of financial management systems, corporate governance, and implementation of process improvements across various segments and industries. He has versatile experience in Finance, Legal Compliances and Taxation area. He is Graduated in Business Administration and holds a master’s degree in Business Administration, with a specialization in core Finance field.